The Model 9.4G features an Integral Sensor and applications include Monitoring Blue Light Intensity to Produce Strong, Healthy Stems, Measuring Photosynthetic Action Spectrum Blue Band, Outdoor Blue Light, Lamp Testing & Aging.



Specifications Radiometer
Model 9.4G
Irradiance Range 0-199.9 mW/cm²
Response @ 450 nm 98%
Bandwidth 422-499 nm
Resolution 0.1 mW/cm²
Conversion Rate 3.0 Readings/Sec
Display 3.5 Digit LCD
Operating Temps 0° C to 40° C
Operating Humidity 5% to 80% RH
Accuracy ±10% REF.NIST
Dimensions (LxWxD) 10.5 x 6 x 2.2 cm
Weight 110 Grams
Power Source 9-Volt DC Battery
Lens UV Glass
Diffuser Virgin Teflon .005
Detector GaP with Schott filter


To enquire on the the Model 9.4 please click on the link below or use the contact page.

When requesting a quote please provide quantity and suburb/state for postage/delivery details.


GaP Photodiode packaged in hermetically sealed UV glass window cap.
Schott color glass filter to narrows response as shown on spectral response graph.

Press and hold push-button switch on face of unit. Aim sensor window in top panel of meter directly at blue light source. For best results take note of the distance the reading was taken from the source in order to ensure repeatable results. Note reading on LCD and record if desired.

Plant Growth

The blue band of the photosynthetic radiation action spectrum (PAR).

The phototropic response spectrum of plants.


Proper Usage of Solarmeter ® Ultraviolet Radiometer for Lamp Aging Tests

  • Wear actinic eye protection when checking blue lamps.

  • Allow lamps to warm-up prior to taking readings (at least 5 min).

  • Hold meter integral sensor close to source to measure individual lamp or LED intensity. Hold sensor at working distance from source for effective intensity.

  • When checking aging of lamps, keep measuring distance and locations constant.

  • Lamps should be replaced when output drops to about 70% of their original (new) readings.

  • If unsure of what new values were, replace a lamp with new one and compare old one.

  • Do not subject the meter to extremes in temperature, humidity, shock or dust.