Solar Light’s versatile NIST-Traceable Datalogging Radiometers / Photometers are  designed for scientific professionals, offering unparalleled accuracy and flexible data management.

The SMA2100 data logging radiometer, light meter, photometer and UV meter is a research grade meter that can be used with over 85 different sensors capable of _measuring UVA, UVB, UVC, Visible, IR and more.


The SMA2100 Radiometers use intelligent sensor detection and data processing allowing you to add new sensors quickly to measure different kinds of light without having to use a different meter. The SMA2100 radiometers operate as a UV meter, Photometer / Light meter and Radiometer, and feature graphic display, data logging, complex processing algorithms, selectable units of measure, averaging, tracking minima and maxima, dose integration, programmable alarm thresholds – all in a small hand-held device.Product bundle features PMA Datalogging Organizer software, a battery charger, a USB cable, and a hard cover carrying case.

Over 85 individual detectors/sensors are sold separately and a sample are listed at the bottom of this page. Contact us for a quote on your specific requirements to find the customised solution right for you.


To enquire on the SMA2100 Data Logger please click on the link below or use the contact page.

When requesting a quote please provide details on which detector/s you are interested in, which are listed at the bottom of this page.



Radiometry and laboratory measurements - Photometry - Environmental monitoring - Industrial hygiene and safety - Clinical studies & phototherapy - Photobiology - Museum monitoring - Industrial process monitoring UV-curing and printing industry - Agriculture - Mining.


Wide variety of detectors available - Many standard detectors are available off the shelf. Due to its novel features the SMA2100 allows us to interface custom detectors quickly and inexpensively.

Ease of use - The SMA2100 automatically configures itself for the new sensor when connected, becoming a UV meter, Photometer / Light Meter or Radiometer. No more entering programs and calibration factors. The detector setup and algorithms are encapsulated in the detector. The detector is ready to use out of the box.

Portability - The SMA2100 with its powerful features easily fits into the palm of your hand. Up to 2 detectors can be connected simultaneously via a 1ft/5ft cable enabling measurements in difficult to reach places. Rechargeable batteries allow for 30 hours of continuous operation.

Data Logging - Up to 1024 data records can be stored in the internal non-volatile memory. The storage can be triggered manually or automatically in a user-set interval (1 minute-2 hours). Uniform record structure for all detectors simplifies data management.

Traceability - Each data sample is accompanied by a set of auxiliary information such as: date, time, detector type and serial number, currently used units, user set scale factor, detector calibration due date and a set of flags indicating the state of the meter. This encourages an implementation of Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) and eases interfacing to Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS).

Noise immunity - The signal amplification is done inside the detector encapsulated in a metal enclosure. The signal is delivered to the SMA2100 through a shielded cable offering high immunity to EMI and ESD.

Automatic unit conversion - The measurement result can be displayed in one of many units customary for the particular measurement. A push of a button changes the unit selection. Custom units and conversion algorithms can be programmed to the detector on request. Dose integration. A dose integration can be started from the keypad or remotely.

Computer interface - Connection to a PC through a USB interface enables transfer of collected data. PMA Organizer, a Windows-based software facilitates data retrieval, archiving and presentation.

User defined alarms - An independent alarm can be set for the instantaneous value or integrated dose for each detector. The alarm settings are stored in the detector and automatically recalled when the detector is in use.

Isolated Digital Input/Output - A process can be controlled by the SMA2100 through the optically isolated digital I/O. The inputs can start or stop the dose collection while the outputs are triggered by the dose and value alarms. Controlling the dose of radiation to a subject is one possible application. Power relay is available as an accessory.

Custom Narrow band Sensors - Custom sensors for virtually any wavelength and bandwidth available on request. Bandwidth is given as the Full Width at Half Maximum response.

SMA2100 Specifications:

Detector Inputs 2 detector inputs with up to 2 analog signals each
Input Ranges ±0.4V, ±4 V, auto-ranging Resolution 15uV on the ±0.4V range 0-5Vdc output accessible through db-25 connection
Dynamic Range 2·105
Accuracy 0.5% FS all ranges
Nonlinearity Max 0.02% FS within each range
Temperature Coefficient Max 50 ppm/°C
Operating Temperature 0 to 50°C
Power Source 4xAA NiCad or Alkaline batteries; External 9-12V AC or DC adapter
Weight 480 Grams (17 oz)
Dimensions 10 x 19.5 x 4.5 cm (4" x 7.6" x 1.75") (WxHxD)


SMA2100 Sensors/Detectors:

SMA 2110 UVA sensor provides fast and accurate irradiance measurement in the UVA region. Its spectral response covers the 320 to 400nm range.
SMA 2112 high intensity UVA probe detects light through a window on the side of the probe near the tip and is a useful tool in UV curing applications.
SMA 2113 UVA sensor with Liquid Light Guide Adapter provides fast and accurate irradiance measurement in the UVA region from 320 to 400nm.
SMA 2114 sensor with beam splitter adapter and special mounting hardware allows direct coupling for the with the beam-splitter available for 15S and 16S Solar Simulators.
SMA 2101 UVB sensor biologically-weighted erythema gives an accurate measurement of ultraviolet radiation from sunlight or artificial light sources, also called sunburning UV radiation (SUV).
SMA 2103 UVB sensor biologically-weighted erythema gives an accurate measurement of biologically weighted ultraviolet radiation from Solar Simulators manufactured by SLC. Special mounting hardware allows direct coupling with 8mm or 10mm Liquid Light Guides (LLG’s).
SMA 2105 UVB sensor with Beam Splitter. Special mounting hardware allows direct coupling of the UVB sensor with the beam splitter available for 16S Solar Simulators.
SMA 2106 non-weighted UVB sensor gives an accurate measurement of UVB ultraviolet radiation from sunlight or artificial light sources
SMA 2107 non-weighted UVA UVB sensor gives an accurate measurement of non-weighted UVB+UVA ultraviolet radiation from sunlight or artificial light sources
SMA 2120 UV Radiation Safety Sensor indicates how long a worker may remain at the measured position before reaching the threshold limit value (TLV) proposed by the ACGIH
SMA 2122 Germicidal UVC detectors provide fast and accurate irradiance measurements of the effective germicidal radiation at 253.7nm
Visible Light
SMA 2121 blue light safety sensor offers an accurate, easy, inexpensive way to measure the blue light radiation hazard to eyes for a wide range of occupations
SMA 2123 Bilirubin Phototherapy Detector is an accurate, stable detector designed to measure the output of phototherapy lamps used in neonatal wards to treat infant hyperbilirubenenima (jaundice)
SMA 2130 Photopic Detector is a portable light detector (Lux detector) with spectral response following the CIE photopic action spectrum
SMA 2131 Scotopic Light detector is a portable light detector (Lux detector) with spectral response following the CIE scotopic action spectrum
SMA 2132 Quantum light detector (PAR) measures the photon flux in
wavelength range from 400 to 700 nm
SMA 2133 luminance probe measures luminance according to photopic luminous efficiency curve
SMA 4100 CALReady™ UVA and Photopic visible light sensors are process controlled sensors capable of being calibratied in the field by the user. This CALReady™ sensor system includes reference
sensors, transfer calibrated from NIST traceable standards
Infrared And Full Spectrum
SMA 2140 global detector measures irradiance within the range of 400 to 1100nm
SMA 2144 Class II pyranometer is an ISO-classified second class pyranometer. It is based on thermopile technology for broad spectral
sensitivity with exceptional flatness and long term stability
SMA 2145 is an ISO-classified first class pyranometer. It is based on the thermopile technology broad spectral sensitivity with exceptional flatness and long term stability
SMA 2142 Laser Detectors are available in three full scale power levels of 3 watts (PMA 2142-3), 10 watts (PMA 2142-10), and 30 watts (PMA 2142-30)
SMA 2143 Thermopile measures radiant fluxes
SMA 2160 thermistor temperature probe interface permits a thermistor temperature probe to be attached to the PMA2100 meter. Four probes make it possible to measure virtually and medium. The thermistor probes are factory calibrated so they can be easily interchanged without compromising accuracy of the measurement
SMA 2165 thermocouple probe, is compatible with the PMA2100 Personal Measurement Assistant. The probe comes in two versions, either with J or K type thermocouple
SMA 2170 Humidity Probe is an accurate smart probe for measuring relative humidity and ambient temperature. A memory chip is embedded into the probe to store the signal processing and unit
conversion program for the probe
Custom Wavelength Detectors
SMA 2180 create custom sensor for virtually any wavelength and bandwidth. Bandwidth is given as the Full Width at Half Maximum